R&D Team
With an average of 10 years of research and development experience, I have a thorough understanding of the motorcycle modification parts market. We continuously monitor the market, research the latest technologies, and seek innovative ideas and concepts.
R&D investment: Over 10 million yuan will be invested in 2022; 20% increase in research and development funds and 30% increase in research and development team personnel in the 2023 budget
Product Advantages
Outstanding R&D Team
Loboo has an excellent team of more than thirty outstanding R&D personnel. This team has an average R&D experience of up to ten years, bringing together expertise and experience in various fields. They are passionate about the fields of motorcycle riding and moto touring, and have excellent innovation capabilities, which provide a solid foundation for the company's development.
Commitment to R&D Investment
In 2022, we invested over two million dollars in research and development to drive product innovation and enhance quality. We increased this investment by 20% in 2023. We firmly believe that only through continuous improvement in R&D can we meet customer demands and maintain a leading position in a highly competitive market.
Excellent R&D Facilities
To support our research and development efforts, we have modern R&D facilities and laboratories equipped with the latest technology and tools. These resources enable our team to quickly test prototypes, optimize designs, and ensure that our products meet the highest standards